My Free tutorials

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Art Journal Page - Bloom and Grow

Good Morning.  It  is bright and sunny here this Sunday morning and I just popped in to see if my video uploaded to You Tube during the night!!!  It is always a happy moment when the upload is successful!!!

Here is my completed page.

Do you like my pretty watering can???  I think I have created what could be my second quote on this page so feel free to use my phrase - add my name and then because you have quoted me it becomes a quote!!!!!

A sprinkle of imagination helps your creativity grow.  Helen Allen

I have created a new label for Quote so I can find this again - It would make a fun card don't you think. I have a class coming up next week so that gives me an idea!!!  I have another quote somewhere on my blog.  I have noticed that some blogs I visit have search facilities so I am going to learn how to put that on my blog next.......maybe I will have some breakfast first ;-)  Brain fuel!

My son told me last night he needs to do his homework on computer binary code today and I told him I am interested in seeing what he is learning............I think I need an extra large helping of breakfast for sure!!!

Before I post a link to my second Art Journalling Video (this one turned into a tutorial because of the resist technique I was using to make the funky frame for my page) I thought I would share my first ever journalling page.

This one was pre blog and pre You Tube channel but I was inspired to try Art Journalling by a video I found and watched on You Tube.

Actually there is another quote of mine on this page!

Travel to where your Imagination takes you then take time to enjoy the view.  Helen Allen

You can quote me on that!!!!

There is also pieces of Graphic 45 paper on this page....did I rip it?!!!!???  I think I definitely like including book page paper on my Art Journal pages.  I love that each of my pages are completely different.  I am a bit of an explorer of different styles and I think my Art Journal shows that I am.

My tummy is rumbling so I am going to stop rabbiting and post my link.

Hope you like it!  Have a great day and thank you for popping by X

PS Search bar added and I found my first quote........

Who needs therapy when you have art? Helen Allen

Definitely going for my breakfast now X


  1. You are becoming a real tech wizard Helen :D Your breakfast was obviously the right stuff ;)
    I love it when blogs have search facilities. It saves me searching through post after post trying to find that ellusive, 'thing', haha.
    I have Pinned your two journal pages with quotes in the description boxes. I'm still waiting for time to appear from the ether to cathc up on my video watching. meantime they are in my Playlist
    Hope your Sunday is continuing in the same successful vein. :0) Mo x

    1. Thanks Mo - I am feeling quite techie at the moment - it is amazing what you can learn to do on the internet!!! The search button was easy as it was available to me on Blogger (who knew????!!!!) but the Pinterest buttons were another matter - thank goodness it didn't go wrong as that would have quashed my techie feelings for sure!!!! I am busy working on setting up a stamp and scrapbook club. I am using photoshop at the moment to alter the screen that appears on all my videos on You Tube to make the club videos look different to the free stuff! I think I am going for Yellow and Grey for the Stamp Club as I like that colour combo. Have a lovely Sunday Mo - Looking forward to a roast dinner later - I am hoping hubby is going to cook it as I am 'working'!!!! - do you think he will buy it??? ;-) x


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x