My Free tutorials

Friday, 19 July 2013

We're havin' a heat wave. A tropical heatwave!!! Yipppeeee!

I know it has meant I have been a rubbish blogger but I have been making the most of the glorious weather here in the UK.  I thought I would nip in today and post a little something to say hello!  I have moved my giveaway tutorial for those following me and those who may wish to start following me to my sidebar so I can get rid of the sticky post.  I love sharing what I do so the more people joining me on my crafting adventures the more sharing I know I am doing.  It never ceases to amaze me that we can share our crafting projects with crafters all over the world at the touch of the post button!

So the subject of my post today is CHERRIES.  My all time favourite fruit and we now have a cherry tree in our garden.  It doesn't yet rival the huge black cherry trees I remember from my childhood growing up in Germany but this year it has a great crop.  Here were the cherries a couple of days ago far so good.

A couple of very gorgeous hot, hot days later and cherries are ripening nicely....

Almost there I think.  Every morning I nip out across the still dew soaked grass looking for big fat juicy black cherries.  But alas the past two mornings I have noticed this.....

......PIPS on STALKS!!!!!  I think that may be where my ripe black cherries should be.  I am obviously not getting up quite early enough me thinks but I have a little plan.  I am going to check my cherry tree tonight ;-)  and unlike the cheeky cherry stuffed birds I WILL leave them a few!  How clever is that though to eat all the cherry and still leave the pip attached to the tree.  I'll let you know if my plan works!

So where is the crafting today I hear you ask.....well I am working on editing a new item for my shop that has been greatly interrupted by the glorious weather so I can't share that yet so to prove how much I love cherries I am re posting this photo of a tag I made using the first piece of Graphic 45 paper I bought which was to prove the beginning of a non edible passion.

I also have this paper in the cover of my iPhone.  Gotta love this retro cherry paper strangely called Bees Knees?????

One more cherry share:

Cherries and cupcakes - win, win.  Well that is all from me for today.  Better get back to the editing and voice overing but I want to share this fun video first that is definitely worth a watch if you are in need of a chuckle.  I definitely recognise that the lovely Linda who made this video is a kindred spirit. She is fab.

So thank you to Linda for making me smile (I think this video will go viral in the crafting world) and thank you to you for popping by.  Enjoy your day wherever you may be.

Hugs Helen X


  1. Love those cherries. I buy mine from the market but they are at their best right now. I hope you get to enjoy some of yours!
    I did laugh at that video. I could really relate to that! Thanks for making me smile. Kate x

    1. You are welcome Kate. I expect Spain is gorgeously sunny too! Enjoy your day fellow scrapaholic X

  2. Your cherries are looking so delicious! We are having a heatwave here in NYC day 6, and it will be over 100 degrees. I am ill over it. I hate riding the subway to the office underground, it is even hotter. I think this is our 3rd or 4th heat wave so far this summer. I am dreaming of going to Alaska... (PS. Love Linda and her video, so funny!)

    1. Hi Winnie phew 100 degrees and underground I can imagine! I think you need to make sure you have a glass of something cold and sparkly to enjoy with your feet up when you get home from work - Pimms is good!!!! You definitely have extremes in NYC we visited in the winter and felt the icy winds blast between the buildings! Brrrrrr. Hope you get a drop to nicer temperatures soon Winnie x

  3. OOh how wonderful to have a cherry tree! They are my most favourite fruit. But we are lucky to be having a bumper harvest of strawberries this year and enjoying them al except for the odd ones we 'sacrifice' to the birds & the beasties so that they'll leave the others alone. Seems to be working. Good luck with your own plan ;)
    Btw - your tag is so pretty with the cherries on it.
    I can't see a link for a video tho
    Have a wonderful weekend and hope the sun still shines
    Mo xx

  4. THAT video was hilarious!
    Those cherries make my mouth water.


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x