My Free tutorials

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Announcing the Tag Storage Project Workshop!!!

Sometimes life just seems to be so busy you can't get things past the finishing post!!!  I have 3 items on the go for my shop and this one got in there first (it was the one I started last!!!)  So without further ado here it is!

The Tag Storage Project Workshop!

If you love making tags but have nowhere to store them then this is the workshop for you!!  I have 3 already:-)  This one is covered and stamped to go with my Tim Holtz 12 Tags of 2013 collection.

When you purchase any of my online workshops you will receive the links to your video tutorials.  This one has been broken down into 5 tutorials in total and they are accompanied by full Photographic Instructions to show you how to make a Tag Storage Unit of your very own.

You will receive full Cutting Guides, Materials and Tools Lists and lots of clear instruction.

If you like me love making tags then this is a great way to keep inspiration on your desk.  I have easily stored 26 tags on my tag storage unit.  That means in all likelihood I will get next years collection of tags on this cute little storage unit too - As you can see because it hangs your tags if you like me embellish your tags to differing degrees they will naturally space out so as not to squish all your lovely artwork.  It is easy to get your tags on and off and you can look at them without removing them from the Tag Storage Unit too.

Here is one I Zentangled all over (quite a few crafting hours in this one!).  It houses a full A-Z of Zentangle Patterns I worked on as part of the Alphabet Challenge over at Tag Tuesday. Because of the drop down door anytime I want to choose a few Zentangle patterns to put on a project I can!

Have I tempted you?  If I have then please click on this link and visit my ETSY shop to purchase your Workshop.  There are more photos over there too.

Alternatively you can order from my Blog sidebar.  Just click on the Buy Now button under the photograph of the Tag Storage Project and Paypal walks you through the rest.

A full set of video tutorials and full photo instructions for only £8.00.

Everything is supplied electronically.  If you order from my ETSY shop it sends you the pdf file with the video links immediately your payment is confirmed and if you order via my Blog I will send you your file within 2 working days of receiving confirmation of your order to the email address you supply to PayPal.  No postage!!!!! and I can craft with you wherever you are in the world - I can never get tired of how cool that is.

If you do decide to purchase this online workshop then it is worth subscribing/following my blog as I always share any ideas I have for my workshop projects here.  I have a few ideas that I know you will like so watch this space.

Hope you like The Tag Storage Project and hope you buy it!!!! ;-) Have a great week and thank you for popping by.

PS If you have friends that like to make tags I would love it if you would share this post with them.  Thank you X

Thursday, 25 July 2013

12 Tags of 2013 - July

Morning!  I am up early this morning.  Strange as the school summer holidays are here.  Don't you just love the days when you don't have to set your alarm clock?  I finished the video for my July tag yesterday.  I had great fun with Tim's Patriotic inspiration as you can see!

I loved Tim Holtz's Brayer technique that he shared with us this month on 12 Tags of 2013 though I think if I had pressed a little less when gathering up the ink with my brayer I would have achieved a more streaky look than I did.  I liked this alternative way to apply inky colour to a project.

Here is the video of how I got from Tim's inspiration to my interpretation!!!!

Already half way through Tim Holtz's 12 Tags of 2013 challenge - can you believe it?  Where is the time going to I wonder????  I still have a January tag to play along with so I may be able to catch up with that one next month.

As you can see my tags for this year are building up nicely.

Ha Ha - I know what a teaser!!!  Here is the tag storage project online workshop I am about to put on my blog/shop.  It is a great solution for those with tag storage issues (if I say so myself) and I have a ton of ideas for ways to use this cute little storage project.  I am working on the editing the last of the series of 5 video tutorials and finishing off the photo instructions so it will either be up on my Blog sidebar Shop and ETSY shop today or more likely because of upload times tomorrow!  So if your interested in tag storage check in again soon.

I forgot to say last week but I managed to get a ticket to do a workshop with Tim in the UK at the end of August!!!!  It was a marathon dialling and redialling session but I got through and I am a happy bunny!  I am going with my friend Deb so we are both looking forward to getting inky.

Have a great day and thank you for popping by x

Monday, 22 July 2013

Scrapbooking through the years!

We were having a bit of a cloudy start to the day today here so I nipped into my craft room and set about finishing off a layout I started at a crop I went to weekend before last.  I thought I would share it with you today as it gave me the opportunity to have a look at an old layout too.

Here is the one I finished off today.

You may recognise the photo on the layout as I have picked it to use for all my social media icons.  I picked it because as a paper craft project designer there is always part of my brain whirring away dreaming up my next crafting project.  I finally got to use this lovely Prima stitched scrapbook paper.  I didn't need to do a huge amount to get a lovely girly layout.  I had lots of fun searching through my paper flower stash to mix and match the corner spray of blooms.  My white pen journalling got a little lost so I added a shadow with a fine grey pen which was a nice effect.

I originally took this photograph when I took part in a challenge at the very same crop which I still go to 8 years on!  We were given playing cards as our must use challenge element and then the rest was up to us.  The blue backed cards reminded me of Holand and windmills popped into my head but I needed photographs to make my layout so I rushed home (luckily I live nearby!) and this was the layout I dreamed up way back in September 2005!

This was one of my very earliest layouts and well before the invention of the Cricut.  I printed out my title in reverse and cut it all out by hand!  Glossy Accents is still a favourite of mine today for adding a touch of shine to my projects.  I have always added pockets and tags to my layouts and think they are a fab way of including more photographs or journalling to a layout - in this case I made a tag with the sub title for my layout.

I really like to look back at my very first layouts.  It is fun to see how all the scrapbooking supplies have changed.  I used to go to our crop with a plastic bag with all my tools and bit and pieces in and was fascinated to see all the supplies of my fellow croppers who had totes and tool bags!  You can be sure it wasn't long before I had to upgrade my plastic bag - courtesy of my local scrapbook supply shop ;-)

When I took my photographs for the challenge layout I hadn't even heard of social media!!!!  Now I am blogging, You Tubing,  Ning-ing, Facebooking, Pinning, and a whole host of INGs yet to come I am sure!!!!  I thought I would take this photo 8 years on to see if time is being kind to me.......

........not too bad ;-)  Hairdo is still the same!  Must remember to place my hand better under my ageing - not saying sagging a bit - jaw line tee hee.  One thing is exactly the same for sure I still love paper crafting and a bit of my brain is always thinking up new things to make out of paper!!!!

The sun is breaking through the clouds so I am off to sit outside for some lunch.  Have a great day and thank you for popping by x

Friday, 19 July 2013

We're havin' a heat wave. A tropical heatwave!!! Yipppeeee!

I know it has meant I have been a rubbish blogger but I have been making the most of the glorious weather here in the UK.  I thought I would nip in today and post a little something to say hello!  I have moved my giveaway tutorial for those following me and those who may wish to start following me to my sidebar so I can get rid of the sticky post.  I love sharing what I do so the more people joining me on my crafting adventures the more sharing I know I am doing.  It never ceases to amaze me that we can share our crafting projects with crafters all over the world at the touch of the post button!

So the subject of my post today is CHERRIES.  My all time favourite fruit and we now have a cherry tree in our garden.  It doesn't yet rival the huge black cherry trees I remember from my childhood growing up in Germany but this year it has a great crop.  Here were the cherries a couple of days ago far so good.

A couple of very gorgeous hot, hot days later and cherries are ripening nicely....

Almost there I think.  Every morning I nip out across the still dew soaked grass looking for big fat juicy black cherries.  But alas the past two mornings I have noticed this.....

......PIPS on STALKS!!!!!  I think that may be where my ripe black cherries should be.  I am obviously not getting up quite early enough me thinks but I have a little plan.  I am going to check my cherry tree tonight ;-)  and unlike the cheeky cherry stuffed birds I WILL leave them a few!  How clever is that though to eat all the cherry and still leave the pip attached to the tree.  I'll let you know if my plan works!

So where is the crafting today I hear you ask.....well I am working on editing a new item for my shop that has been greatly interrupted by the glorious weather so I can't share that yet so to prove how much I love cherries I am re posting this photo of a tag I made using the first piece of Graphic 45 paper I bought which was to prove the beginning of a non edible passion.

I also have this paper in the cover of my iPhone.  Gotta love this retro cherry paper strangely called Bees Knees?????

One more cherry share:

Cherries and cupcakes - win, win.  Well that is all from me for today.  Better get back to the editing and voice overing but I want to share this fun video first that is definitely worth a watch if you are in need of a chuckle.  I definitely recognise that the lovely Linda who made this video is a kindred spirit. She is fab.

So thank you to Linda for making me smile (I think this video will go viral in the crafting world) and thank you to you for popping by.  Enjoy your day wherever you may be.

Hugs Helen X

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Online Class Giveaway - this is a Sticky Post

For a while now I have wanted to show my appreciation to everyone that has been kind enough to follow me since I started blogging.  I wanted to make an online class especially for you and for anyone who decides when visiting my Blog that they like what they see and want to follow me too!  It is just a small token of my appreciation of your support.  I love to get your feedback on my projects and try my best to post lots of inspirational crafting projects.  Your comments always make me smile.

I made a special on line class to show you how to make this yummy paper Chrysanthemum.  If you already follow me and would like the link to this tutorial then please leave me a comment to let me know on this post or email me - or both!

Now for the unashamed promotional bit!...... If you have just happened by this way and like what you see on my blog I would love it if you would follow me.  If you sign up and then leave me a comment on this post to let me know or email me - or both I will send you the link for my on line class and pretty soon you will be growing a garden of Chrysanthemums just like me!

These Chrysanthemums make a great embellishment for a card or home decor project so I really hope that you find it a useful little flower to add to your crafting stash!

You can make them in a colour to match your project perfectly.  You can ink them too.  I really like this cream with a touch of green.

So a great big thank you again to all my followers and to all my potentially new followers!  I really appreciate your support and hope you can make use of this small token of my gratitude.

Hugs and Kisses - Helen x

Monday, 8 July 2013

Tag Tuesday Letter Z

Hello from a sunny and warm Derbyshire!  Yippeeeeee the Summer is here at last.  There is one down side to this and that is I am soooooooo late with my final tag of the Alphabet Series.  Whether I get this up before tomorrow is all down to You Tube upload times now.

We started making our Alphabet tags in frosty temperatures and are finishing them in lovely long Summer days.  How the time flies when you are having fun and I have definitely been having that.

Here is my final tag and I just had to celebrate with a great big dollop of blingy sparkle as you can see!

Photos just don't do sparkle any justice at all!!!  I have really loved this challenge and I'd like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to Carolyn over at Tag Tuesday for the fab alphabet challenge it has really inspired some wonderful tags and tag collections.  Follow the link to see what I am talking about.

Here is a fast forward video of how I made my tag which features the tag patterns ZEDBRA on the tag and ZIG ZAG border on the paper bow.  A big thank you also goes to for being a great library of Zentangle patterns and tutorials.

One more video of all my tags in review and if you watch it you will see a sneak peek of the next online workshop and pattern I will be putting up for sale here on my Blog and over at my ETSY shop.  I am really pleased with this great little Tag Storage Project as I now have the perfect place to keep my Zentangle Alphabet collection of tags.  They are easy to look at when I need inspiration and I can display my favourites too.  Keep your eye out for a post in the next couple of days when it goes on sale if you want to make yourself one.  I am being as quick as I can with the final edits whilst still sitting in the sun occasionally whilst it is here!!

I hope that you are enjoying great weather wherever you may be in the world.  I highly recommend a glass of Pimms filled with fruit as you put your feet up and sit in the sun - lovely!

Thank you for popping by X