My Free tutorials

Wednesday, 17 October 2012


Good Morning my fellow desk hoppers!

Well initially on my desk this morning I had this little lot up for your viewing pleasure!  Just look at that bin!

But as it is not halloween just yet......... a little while and a huge bag of rubbish later it was like this!

I feel so virtuous now!  The halloween stuff is starting to gather but If I don't pull my finger out I will be putting it away again for next year!  Not unlike the next thing on my desk.  I do not care to admit how long I have been sitting on it (not literally!).  I have a strange habit of getting to the 'almost done' part of really important projects and then I procrastinate.  I have worked out it is the final part when I really see if I have what it takes - and I guess I don't want to see if I do because I don't take that step.  So this week is going to see me break that habit.

My goals are to get my first video and template on line and up for sale and my second is to do something with this children's book I wrote and illustrated .......years ago!

So today I am going to spend the day talking to myself .....I have discovered how to do voice overs on iMovie.  Unfortunately I am still perfecting the art of doing it in one take.  Who knew it would be so difficult to finish a sentence without an 'ummmm' or a 'So' or a ................(complete silence!)  

But by the end of today I hope to have my video tutorial complete and have at least half of the photo downloadable instructions finished - then there is one more decision and learning curve to make and that is how to sell it!!  I feel another procrastination coming on!  Snap out of it girly!!!

So here is my little character who has been hovering on my shelf getting dusty and he is goal number 2.  I have decided to do a video with 'voice over' of my book and I am going to send him off to a publishing house and I will grit my teeth........for what is the worst that can happen - I will put him back on my shelf and wait for Grandchildren!!!!

Ooops better go and make my son's sandwiches or the poor lad will starve today.  Back in a bit to post this and to have a wander around your desks for a good old nosey - funny I never, ever seem to put that off ;-)  Glad to see that a fab time was had by all at Julia's and I was surprised to see that work actually went on!!!  Well done WOYWWers.  Follow this link to find out why I have been cleansing both my desk and my ethos today!!

Big Hugs to anyone that pops by.


  1. So glad you tidied that desk, I nearly ran screaming from the room! Haha.
    My wee man was delighted to see an alien on screen as he loves them and was so chuffed to have found some pyjamas in Asda yesterday. So of course they were worn last night, and he still wanted to admire himself in the mirror this morning, haha, bless.
    Wishing you well with the publishers Helen, I do hope it 'takes off' hehe.
    Have a fab WOYWW :0) x

  2. Oh yes get that book sorted - your alien character is so cute! Thanks for tidying for our visit but you really didn't have to! LOL Thanks also for popping by my workdesk. Happy Wednesday. :o)
    Sue x (MiniOwner @ 76)

  3. I spy that someone has been Halloween shopping at Asda , lol, so have i & we've brought the same things.
    I wis you luck with your childrens book. jill #51

  4. You're desk looks a fun place to be

  5. Wow, what a transformation! No doubt it will be messed up again soon, once you start on your Halloween projects. Love the alien, much luck with the voice over and the publishers.... Happy WOYWW, Anne x #41

  6. Cute little space craft (no pun intended!). Have fun and fingers crossed for him! Enjoy WOYWW! Karen T 100 x

  7. Halloween is a wonderful time for spooky makes...I like your moon and the spaceship. Thanks for your interesting cat story. They have to investigate everything, don't they!? Hope you have a good week!

  8. Good luck with the project- like you say, the worst that can happen is it comes back. But take heart from the fact that Frederick Forsyths novel Day of the Jackal was turned down by (I believe) at least 7 publishers- and look how that turned out for him! So keep plugging away at it. After all, its no different to any of the things we create, not everyone likes the same things. Love the desk transformation too.Have a great Wednesday, Hugs Shaz #96

  9. I fink I prefer the first picture.....mine does not feel quite so messy!! Love that Nasa sticker....I could do with that on my door (s) craft room and office!
    As for Julia's necklace, I think we all fancied it. Not my usual style but it is just gorgeous!
    I have a Halloween project on the go but I have been keeping it hidden until the day as WOYWW will be on the day!!
    Good luck with your book!

  10. Oooh well done on the tidy up - gets the mojo flowing again doesnt it - Love your artwork. I too keep meaning to start doing some videos but keep putting it off and I almost finish projects and then procastinate too (I am doing it right at this moment on here whilst a halloween tag sits nearly finished by my elbow and the sewing I should be doing today is long forgotten about.....). Oh well at least we have fun eh! Thanks for sharing - Sunshine Girl no. 57

  11. Yikes that was a scary desk in the 'before' picture, it just proves how much fun you were having crafting though.

    Good luck with your book.

    The bears @#105

  12. Holy moly, that book is so cute. It is so vibrant and beautiful. You have to get it out there. That is so amazing. Such talent. You have great goals and now that you put them out there (no pressure), I bet they are going to co)me to true.

    Have a blessed week and thanks for visiting my desk.

    Belinda (17

  13. Your little alien guy is adorable! I don't like the sound of my voice so I'd have a REAL hard time doing a voice over. Sometimes I feel as though I sound flat...... haaa

    Thanks for visiting me already! I really do appreciate it!

    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs, Kay #18

  14. Wow, your desk looks transformed! But that is just the clearing up as you say! You just need a larger garbage can when you work! teehee
    I have always wanted to have the long slim hole cut in my counters to sweep the detritis into as I work. They have hanging system that bolt to the bottom of the counter and hold the waste basket in place. But when I finally got my banks of counters installed, I didn't have the bottle to let them cut into it! LOL
    Good luck with the book and your new resolve.

  15. Good luck with the little space dude - hope it all goes well!! I like the tidy desk best - too much clutter makes me itchy, lol!
    By the way, you may want to pop my blog - there's a surprise for you!
    Hugs, LLJ 56 xx

  16. I had to look for the bin, so it wasn't scaring me!! Love your little character, lots of luck with him and your story, how exciting!

  17. So what is your halloween projec then?

  18. Lots of good luck with the little alien, and so glad you tidied up, hopefully you can find some long forgotten things you had? You might get a surprise before you mess it up again lol.
    Cheers, Elaine #19

  19. That is an amazing tidy up. The little alien is a cutie all the best with the book.
    Sandra @93

  20. Oh your Alien is so cute, best of luck with your book how exciting. Love the before and after tidy up photos. Sandy :)

  21. Oh Helen what a busy desk and I just love your alien, he is soooo cute! I am a terrible finisher which is why I work best up against a deadline. My favourite trick is to get 98% of the way there then stop and end up in a mad rush to finish. I have got a bit better over the years but it is hard work!! Thanks for visiting me this Wednesday - I am rather late!! Cindy

  22. The book looks amazing... you MUST get it to a publisher or agent! And the tidying up is pretty impressive too - I need to do the same, it's starting to get in the way of me making things! Belated happy WOYWW!
    Alison x

  23. I'd like to spend some time digging through your goodies!

  24. Love your book illustrations MAGNIFICENT!Tamika #124


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x