My Free tutorials

Monday, 24 September 2012

It's a Distressing Time........

I, like many other crafters I know and virtually know, love my collection of Distress inks.  I have lovingly labeled them and they sit before me everyday all nicely colour coded and ready for action!

As you can see I am also in the process of making a holder for all my foam applicators.  This I must hasten to add was not my idea but that of a fellow WOYWWer.  I didn't think at the time I thought ....'I want to do that'.... to make a note of their name so consequently I can't give proper credit here but if it was you and you happen to be reading this then please email me as I would love to give credit properly.

I say I am in the process of making my foam applicator holder because I do have a rather distressing problem!  As you can see I have 3 blank spaces on my holder on the right because I missed the Autumn Seasonals that Tim and Ranger brought to us.  I have been keeping my fingers crossed to see if they will be reissued but alas I have heard nothing so far.  How distressing is that!  I have an incomplete set of inks and a part finished storage project.......I know you feel my distress my fellow collectors out there ;-)

Anyway to cheer myself up a bit I decided last week to make a project putting my collection to good use.  At first thought I would use all my colours but upon reflection and after a few design decisions  I decided to select my 12 Distress Ink colours of the rainbow!

Look at those lovely labels!  This project is an homage to the wonderful colour pallet we collectors have at our fingertips everyday!  Whilst it is not a project that is in the slightest bit distressed, grunged or shabby I hope you like it!

Now I know that some of you may be thinking I could have done this with coloured paper and that is true but then I would not have had the pleasure of getting thoroughly inky whilst making my Distress Ink Rainbow clock.

This project did take a while as there is a lot of snipping involved but I am really happy with how it turned out.  I like the fact it is a bit arty and a bit sculptural and definitely bold!  If you would like to make your own clock then I will be posting a tutorial shortly so watch this space.

Oh....and just incase Tim Holtz happens to pass by (no laughing!) and just happens to read my blog and just happens to think there may be many more like me out there in blogland in the same distressing situation with an incomplete collection............please, please take pity on us (me) Tim and reissue the seasonals!!!  

What do you think my chances are!!!  ;-D  Don't ask, don't get right!!


  1. What a stunning clock Helen! I completely love it! I have two rainbow colours I could use! Hahahaha - so maybe a while before I can make my own, but I DO love the idea of 'gettin inky with it' so won't do a coloured paper one either.
    I hope Tim hears your plea :0)

  2. I just happened to be blog hopping and just wondered if maybe this was what, sorry who, you were looking for???

    Big hugs
    Roni :D xox

  3. This is gorgeous!!! What an incredible job! I would love to see a tutorial one of these days!


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x