My Free tutorials

Saturday, 21 July 2012

A Work in Progress

Hi there,  hope you are enjoying your weekend.  We actually have some sun today - hooray!  I have been out in the garden all day and have only got half way round with the weeding, tidying and pruning!  It has been going wild out there in the rain.  The sun has gone down so I have come in.

I was just starting work on an idea I had for this weeks Tag Tuesday and I thought you might like to see it as I make it.  I have no idea if it is going to work.  I hope it does!!  The theme this time is Rock Pool and I want to make a realistic 3D one...all on a tag of course.

I decided to make my rocks using a version of paper mache.  I am making the pulp using torn up bits of kitchen roll and artists matte medium.  So here we go for some gloopy fun.

I sketched out my rock pool formation and decided to leave the top of the tag to become sky.  I think this will help give my pool some perspective.  Then I ripped up kitchen roll and added a liberal amount of Artist Matte Medium.  Then I smooshed it all together.

I laid down a very thin layer of pulp on what will be the rock pool bottom.

Then starting at the rock that is furthest away I formed my first rock by squishing and shaping a pile of the pulp into a rock shape.

Repeating for the two side rocks and then moving forward I am trying to make my rocks look like they are in front of each other as I move toward the front of the tag.

Moving down both sides of my pool making more rocks (I don't want my water to escape when I fill it!)

Then to put my final rocks in place.  This is how I created all the rocks but these front rocks are the thickest layer of pulp.  I pile on the pulp roughly at first just to get the right depth of pulp.

Then I wanted to smooth my rocks a little so I finished them by laying on flat pieces of tissue and smoothing it over the rocks.  The tissue soaks up the matte medium and smooths my rock shapes.  I am happy with the result so now I need to put it to one side to dry.  I hope it dries overnight or I will be pushing this tag to finish it by Tuesday!!

Looking at this photo I may opt to trim my rocks down a little at the left side - maybe,  They should cut out alright as they are only tissue.

If I don't post again tomorrow you will know the rocks are still setting - If it is sunny tomorrow I will put them out to bake in the sun!

I am off to see what my son and his pals are up to as they have asked to camp in the garden....and we said yes....what were we thinking?!

While I am blogging tonight I just wanted to say thank you so much to everyone that is following me.  I  really appreciate you being there encouraging me.  I have been blogging for coming up to 6 months ish and I have loved every minute of it.  I have chatted with some very talented and kind bloggers and am making friends which is fab.

See you tomorrow ..... I hope!


  1. Love the look of the rock pool so far , cannot wait to see what you do next! Trace x

  2. Oh that is so clever and it looks real already. Always lovely to see what you are making Helen.

    Love Chrissie xx

  3. This is so vERy cool! What a great idea Helen. Can't wait to see it finished!
    I can't believe you've only been blogging for 6 months! You 'read' like a pro, I love to see what you are up to.
    I'm struggling with my tag for this week, but I'm sure it will pull together in the end :0)


Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x