My Free tutorials

Thursday, 1 March 2012

I Found the Statistics area of my Blog Today!

I was having another look at what is in the Blog Tools area of my Blog and I found the 'Statistics' tab.  It is really cool.  It tells you how many people visit your site and even where they are on a map.  I have the UK coloured in and Germany and France!!!  I'm so excited by that and would really love to colour in more countries.....I've always loved colouring in!

So thank you to everyone that has popped in to see what I am up to.  I really appreciate it and hope you like what you read enough to pass on my link to your friends and even better still please sign up to follow my journey to realise my ambition to set up and launch my own internet business.

I thought you might like to see where I get creative.  I have just cleared the decks (ish!) to work on the designs for my final cards for next week.  But you know what it is like.  Give me five minutes and I will be working in an area the size of a postage stamp in no time at all!
Well I did say tidy ish!  I crackle painted my walls with emulsion paint and PVA glue!
This is where I write this Blog.  Look at the lovely sunshine outside today!
I think most of my craft room furniture is from Ikea (fantastic storage solutions) and I loved this girly wall paper from Laura Ashley.  It's my space so I can be girly though if you look at the surfaces I think you'll agree I can be a bit grungy too!!!!

Happy Crafting and thanks for popping in.


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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x