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Friday, 3 February 2012

Developing the Blogging Habit

Today I have spent a couple of hours exploring lots of Blogs written by the many talented crafters out there in the big wide world and here is what I have learnt today:

1.   I will make time to Blog regularly.
2.   I must try to write interesting Blog entries that other people want to read.
3.   I would like my Blog to reflect who I am and reflect my love of crafting.
4.   I will try to learn how to make my Blog look pretty.
5.   A picture paints a thousand words so I really must learn how to upload photos and videos to my Blog.

I will work on Points 1 and 2 every couple of days and with Point 3 in mind I will continue this Blog entry by writing down a little more about ME!

I have always loved to share my passion for crafting with others (in my experience I think most crafters do).  Just over a year ago the opportunity came up for me to teach card making classes.  I started off with the aspiration to expand my classes to the point I could teach for a living.  But things change and I soon realised as I designed the cards for my monthly lessons that I really really enjoyed the designing part of preparing my lessons and that I wanted to explore all the many crafting techniques and trends with the ladies in my classes.  I wanted to inspire and I really hope that I have been doing that.  As you will see when I launch my business this realisation gave me the inspiration and the impetus to take steps towards fulfilling my ambition to craft for a living..... How lucky will I be if I succeed?

My first Poster to advertise my classes
At the moment I am waiting to sign off on the design stage of my website.  I am really excited each time I get to click on a link and up pops something on the web that is growing into my new business.  My website designer passed on some very wise words:

'Don't think that you are designing the Porsche today.  The important thing is to get the car on the road and the Porsche will develop as you drive it along'

I might not have quoted Peter word for word but the concept has stayed with me and it has helped me make decisions without tying myself in knots trying to think of all eventualities.  Nothing is set in stone and if something doesn't work I can change it.  I will soon be driving along the road!  I hope this Blog makes you want to come along to see where I end up........

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Thank you so much for taking the time to leave me a comment. I always love to read them and if you have a question for me I will reply. Thanks again, Helen x
PS have had stop Anonymous comments as I am getting a lot of spam. I am so sorry to any real commenters that this affects. Feel free to email me if you want to and I will get back to you that way instead x